Data protection
The website operated by István János Magyar, private entrepreneur, respects the personal data related rights of the website’s visitors. Based on effective Hungarian laws and legal regulations, by providing the data necessary to establish contact on the internet page, you approve that István János Magyar, private entrepreneur, may use your personal data according to need, within the framework of contact maintenance, in compliance with the above cited laws and legal regulations.
We call you attention that the data reporting is voluntary. You have the right to request information regarding data management at any time, as well as to request the correction or deletion of the data, by postal mail addressed to István János Magyar, private entrepreneur (H-4262 Nyíracsád, Kassai út 22), or by email addressed to We shall not be held responsible for the truthfulness of the data provided by you.
Data Manager’s name
The present Data Management Regulation and Information (hereinafter referred to as: Data Management Regulation), pursuant to Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information (hereinafter referred to as: Privacy Act) contains the Data Management Regulation of the website (hereinafter referred to as: Website) operated by István János Magyar, private entrepreneur, represented by István János Magyar, private entrepreneur (H-4262 Nyíracsád, Kassai út 22, email address:, as Data Manager (hereinafter referred to as: Data Manager), as well as the Data Management Information related to the management of the personal data of the website’s users (hereinafter referred to as: User).
Scope of the managed personal data
During contact establishment the User provides the following personal data:
- Name
- Own email address
Use of cookies
For the purpose of customized service, the Data Manager places, so-called cookies, small packets of data on the User’s computer as well as reads them as needed. If the browser returns, with a previously saved cookie the service provider managing the cookies has the ability to connect the current visit by the visitor to previous visits, exclusively from the aspect of its own content.
The User can delete the cookies from an own computer as well as block the application of cookies in the browser. Cookie management is generally possible in the Settings menu of the browser under the Security setting with the name Cookies.
Legal basis, purpose and method of Data Management
Data Management is performed based on the voluntary declaration of the User with sufficient information provided. The declaration includes the express consent of the User that his/her personal data provided during the application of the website may be used. The legal basis of Data Management is the voluntary consent provided by the affected person pursuant to Article 5 (1) a) of Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information (Privacy Act). The User provides his/her consent with regards to certain data management by using the website, contact establishment with the Data Manager, or by voluntarily providing the data in question.
The purpose of Data Management is to ensure contact maintenance between the User and the Data Manager. The Data Manager stores the data provided by the User in a manner that is tied to a purpose, exclusively during contact maintenance and for the purpose of contact maintenance.
The personal data provided by the User may not be used by the Data Manager for purposes other than its website operation. Disclosing personal data to third parties or the authorities may only occur with the prior, express consent of the User, unless otherwise mandated by applicable laws.
The User is exclusively responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the personal data provided to the Data Manager. When providing any User email address, the User concurrently assumes responsibility that only he/she uses the service from the provided email address. With regards to this responsibility, all liability related to logins from the provided email address shall be exclusively borne by the User who registered the email address.
Time period of Data Management
The management of data mandatorily provided during contact establishment begins at the time of contact establishment and lasts until data deletion. In the case of not mandatory data, the management of data begins at the time the data is provided and lasts until the deletion of the data in question.
Scope of persons with access to the data, data transmission and data processing
The Data Manager’s employees are authorized to access the data, they shall not publish the data and shall not disclose the data to third parties.
Users’ rights and right exercising options
The User has the right at any time to request information with regards to the data related to him/her managed by the Data Manager, as well as to modify the data at any time. The User has the right to request the deletion of his/her data.
Upon the User’s request the Data Manager shall provide information with regards to the data related to him/her managed by the Data Manager, the purpose of data management, its legal basis and duration. The Data Manager shall provide the requested information to the User, in writing, within 30 days calculated from the submission of the data request.
The User has the right at any time to request the deletion of incorrectly recorded data. The Data Manager shall delete the data within 3 business days calculated from the submission of the data request, in this case the data will not be restorable. The deletion shall not pertain to data management required by laws or legal regulations (e.g. accounting regulations), those shall be retained by the Data Manager for the legally required period of time.
The User can exercise his/her rights provided by applicable laws before a Court of Law, thus particularly the Privacy Act as well as the Civil Code (Act V of 2013). Furthermore the User may submit a complaint to the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH) in case of a problem with the Data Manager’s data management practices.
If the User deliberately provides the data of a third party or false data for using the service during the contact establishment, or causes any kind of damage while using the website, the Data Manager shall have the right to demand and enforce compensation from the User. In this case the Data Manager shall provide all possible assistance to the proceeding authority to identify the person responsible for a violation.
Using the email addresses
The Data Manager devotes special attention to the lawfulness of using the provided email addresses managed by it.
Email addresses are primarily managed to identify the User, to receive and answer questions arising from the part of the User during contact maintenance, thus the email address is provided primarily for this reason.
Other provisions
The Data Manager’s IT system may collect data regarding the activities of Users, which cannot be linked with other data provided by the User at the time of contact establishment, or data created while using other websites or services.
In every case when the Data Manager wishes to use the provided data for purposes that are different from the purpose of the original data provision, it shall notify the User in this regard and shall give the choice of refusing the data’s use.
The Data Manager assumes the obligation to ensure the security of the data, furthermore to take the appropriate technical measures that ensure the security of the provided and stored data, as well as to ensure the protection of the managed data and shall do everything possible to prevent the data’s destruction or their unauthorized use or unauthorized modification.
The Data Manager reserves the right to unilaterally modify the present regulation, with prior notification of the Users. After the modification takes effect, the User accepts the contents of the modified regulation by the use of the service, as suggestive behavior.
Dated: Nyíracsád, 13 July 2020
Last modification: 13 July 2020